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Online retailer Brothers4Change aims to educate 10,000 students in developing countries as it expands its marketplace

© Brothers4Change

Online retailer Brothers4Change has announced an ambitious programme to fund education for 10,000 students in developing countries by the end of 2022.

Founded by two brothers, Jonas and Samuel Smis, the online retailer made its pledge this week to help bring more accessible education to developing countries. The Belgian platform, which was launched earlier this year, offers a wide variety of products to customers across Europe. Through its giving back initiative, 10% of all sales are being allocated to funding education initiatives.

Already on the ground in the Congo, Brothers4Change have set themselves a mission to be one of the first online marketplaces to provide accessible education to developing countries – encouraging other businesses internationally to do the same.

With Africa’s young population, millions of children each year struggle to access basic necessities and education. Part of the solution is to fund programmes that will enable them to have better education so that they can learn the skills they need to aid them later in life. Having seen extreme poverty in South Africa, the two founders understood from an early age the value of education. They’ve now put their mission of bringing education to young people across Africa at the heart of their business. 

To do this, the founders created an innovative way to reduce their business operating costs while bringing on board a team of experts to raise awareness of their mission and bring a world-class platform experience to their users.

With their extended product range, the platform provides shoppers with electronics, kitchen equipment, automotive parts and many more categories. Like other major retailers, Brothers4Change provides one-click order options and an easy checkout system for purchases made online. 

For shoppers that are looking to make a difference, proceeds from purchases made through Brothers4Change go directly towards funding education on the ground in the Congo, with a mission currently underway to help bring new solar equipment, clean water and building materials for schools. 

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In partnership with Brothers4Change